Customer Data Platforms

Google Products for Business You Should Be Using

Learn more about Google’s ✅ most popular products and services. Which are the best Google products for your business❓
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Google is mostly known as a search engine service. However, since its foundation in 1998 Google has added more than 50 products and services to its portfolio. Nowadays Google offers services such as e-mail, internet browser, an operating system for mobile phones and tablets, maps and navigation, video sharing site, online document creation, and many more.

According to their mission statement, Google wants to organize information and make it accessible for everyone.

What can You do with Google?

Here’s the list of Google’s most popular products and services:

  • Search – Google’s search engine is based on an algorithm that orders search results according to their relevance. When you put a search query into a search, the algorithm retrieves results which it considers to be the most relevant.
  • Gmail – Gmail is a free online e-mail service that provides users with 15 GB of storage space. It’s integrated with Google Chat and Google Meet. Chat is used for direct instant messaging to individuals but you can also create group conversations. Here you can share files and tasks too.
  • YouTube – YouTube is a well-known video service that allows users to upload videos for free. They can also search for and view videos of other users.
  • Chrome – Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers.
  • Android OS – Android is an operating system for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets). It’s optimized for touchscreens and is the most used OS for smartphones.
  • Contacts – With this feature you can back up all of the contacts from your Google Account to the cloud. You can add new contacts and edit information from any synchronized device.
  • Drive – On Drive you can upload, store and share any content (files, folders). Drive is also synchronized with your Account and your content is stored on the cloud.
  • Google Play – Google Play (formerly Android Market) is an official app store for Android devices. Here you can download apps, books, movies, and music.
Google Analytics Interface
Google Analytics Interface

Google Products for Business

  • Analytics – Analytics is a great service for businesses. It helps you to better understand your customers. You can monitor and analyze data about visitors of your website and how they interact with your app or site. Data is shown in a form of interactive reports provided by Analytics. Thanks to that data you can improve performance of your business and drive sales.
  • Google Ads – This is an online advertising platform great for promoting businesses. Advertisers pay for displaying their ads on search engine results page. Ads are displayed on the top of the search results (after user searches for a keyword).
  • Calendar – Google Calendar is a service that allows users to create and edit events, tasks, and reminders. It’s a great scheduling and time management service with an option to share events with your colleagues (invite guests). To each event you can add time, length of the event, location, description, or attachments.
  • Docs – Docs is an online and free tool for writing and editing documents. You can format and style your document, add images, drawings, or create resumes from pre-made templates. Docs provide an option to share your work with other people and collaborate on it at the same time. It works with Microsoft Word: You can open, edit, and save Word files on your Drive, but also you can convert Word documents to Google Docs and vice versa.
  • Sheets – With Sheets you can organize your data into spreadsheets, make charts and graphs, use formulas and conditional formatting. As with Docs, there’s also a possibility to share Sheets with others and allow them to edit your files (the same applies also to Slides). Sheets are compatible with Microsoft Excel files.
  • Slides – This is a tool for creating and editing presentations online. Again, Slides work with Microsoft PowerPoint files. 
  • Google Meet – Google Meet is a communication service for real-time video meetings. It’s used by businesses to communicate with team members or customers. There’s also an option to share screens or presentations.
  • Keep – This service allows you to add and store notes and tasks in a form of text, lists, pictures or audio. You can share your notes with your colleagues and this way collaborate together on any task.
Google Ads Search result for a query: 'peanut butter'
Google Ads Search result for a query: “peanut butter”

Are you interested in improving your Google Ads campaigns? One of the best solutions is integrating it with a CDP (Customer Data Platform). Find out more in this article: Google Ads + CDP.

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